How Many Countries Will Ratify NATO Accession of Finland or Sweden by March 1?

Market Resolved: 28


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Implied Probability: -
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Best Yes Price



Best Price Implies

Implied Probability: -
European Decimal Odds: -
American Odds: -
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Market Information

Market Open Date Market Close Date Currency Taker Fee Maker Subsidy
2022-12-04 2023-03-02 USD 0.075% -0.025%


This market will resolve positively to the bracket in which falls the number of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member states that have formally ratified the accession protocols of Finland and/or Sweden to join NATO by 11:59PM ET on March 1, 2023. In the event that a country has ratified the accession protocols for only one of the two countries, that will be sufficient to count for this market. The resolution source will be official reporting from NATO (e.g. or a consensus of credible reporting from the governments of NATO member countries. If the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) for a member country announces ratification or the MFA for Finland and/or Sweden confirms a country's ratification (e.g., this will also be considered satisfactory for this market. If a country later revokes ratification, this will have no bearing on market outcome. Insight Prediction maintains complete discretion over the resolution of this market in the event of irregularities or political controversy. End Date: 03/01/2023.

There are "maker subsidies" and "taker fees" on this market. The taker fees apply when you match an existing order on the order book, whereas the maker subsidy happens when you place an unmatched order that can be matched later. The maker subsidies are .025 times the price, times the potential profit (e.g., Maker Subsidy per share = .025*Price/100*(1-Price/100)). The taker fees are .075 times the price, times the potential profit (e.g., Taker Fee per share = .075*Price/100*(1-Price/100)). Thus, the maker subsidy to buy 100 shares at 20 cents would be: 100*.025*(20/100)*(80/100) = $0.40, and the taker fee would be $1.20. The full fee schedule is here
