Falcons Guilty of Tampering with Kirk Cousins?


Best Yes Price



Best Price Implies

Implied Probability: -
European Decimal Odds: -
American Odds: -
Ask Price Ask Size
Bid Price Bid Size

Market Information

Market Open Date Start Date Market Close Date Currency Taker Fee
2024-04-05 2024-04-05 07:44 ET 2024-09-06 USD 0.075%


This market will resolve to “Yes” if the NFL announces disciplinary measures against the Atlanta Falcons for impermissible contact (tampering) relating to the signing of Kirk Cousins by September 5, 2024, 11:59 PM ET. Otherwise, this market will resolve to “No”. Disciplinary measures include fines, personnel suspensions, loss of draft picks, or the forced swap of draft picks. If the Atlanta Falcons settle the investigation with another NFL team by exchanging tradable assets such as draft picks or players, this market will resolve to “Yes”. If the NFL announces the completion of their investigation without finding wrongdoing, or if the NFL announces that they will not be taking any disciplinary actions relating to this case, this market will immediately resolve to “No”. The primary resolution source for this market will be official information from the NFL. However, a consensus of credible reporting may also be used.

There are "taker fees" on this market. The taker fees apply when you match an existing order on the order book, whereas the maker subsidy happens when you place an unmatched order that can be matched later.  The taker fees are .075 times the price, times the potential profit (e.g., Taker Fee per share = .1*Price/100*(1-Price/100)). Thus, the taker fee to buy 100 shares at 20 cents would be: 100*.075*(20/100)*(80/100) = $1.20.
