JD & Usha Vance divorce before election?

Market Resolved: NO


Best Yes Price



Best Price Implies

Implied Probability: -
European Decimal Odds: -
American Odds: -
Ask Price Ask Size
Bid Price Bid Size

Market Information

Market Open Date Start Date Market Close Date Currency Taker Fee
2024-07-25 2024-07-24 13:32 ET 2024-11-04 USD 0.075%


This market will resolve to "Yes" if J.D. Vance and/or Usha Vance announce their intention to divorce between July 24 and November 4, 2024, 11:59 PM ET. Otherwise, this market will resolve to "No." An announcement by November 4 of their intention to divorce will be sufficient for a "Yes" resolution, regardless of whether the divorce later actually occurs, or whether the actual divorce occurs outside of the timeframe of this market. The resolution source will be statements from J.D. Vance, Usha Vance, and/or their representatives, however a definitive consensus of credible media reporting may be considered.

There are "taker fees" on this market. The taker fees apply when you match an existing order on the order book.  The taker fees are .075 times the price, times the potential profit (e.g., Taker Fee per share = .1*Price/100*(1-Price/100)). Thus, the taker fee to buy 100 shares at 20 cents would be: 100*.075*(20/100)*(80/100) = $1.20.